Our top tips!

  • Take your time
    Understanding our sexuality takes time and is not always a straightforward process. Don’t rush trying to understand who you are and take the time that you need.
  • It OK not to know
    Sexuality is complex. It is OK to feel like you don’t really know who you are yet. As you grow and develop, things will start to fall into place the more that you learn about yourself.
  • Don’t force yourself
    Never feel like you have to put a label on yourself or force yourself to fit anyone else’s assumptions. Whilst you are still trying to understand more about your sexuality, don’t force any labels on yourself.

What does it mean to be bisexual?

Being bisexual means we are attracted to people who are the same sex as ourselves and the opposite sex. Sometimes people who are bisexual might initially think they are gay or lesbian, because they may start to notice feeling attracted to people of the same sex.

Being bisexual does not mean having a boyfriend and a girlfriend at the same time, but it means that throughout your life you may have partners of either sex. Some people who are bisexual are equally attracted to both genders, whilst other people who are bisexual may be attracted to one of the genders more than the other.

There are a lot of concerns that someone might have when they start to understand that they might be bisexual. Some concerns might be “can I get married if I’m in a same-sex relationship?” or “can I still have children?”.

It is totally normal to have concerns like this, but it is also important to remember that life for same-sex couples in the UK is the same for opposite-sex couples, so there are always ways to get around any concerns that you might have. For example, same-sex marriage is legal and adoption is an option for same-sex couples.

How do I know if I am bisexual?

There are lots of different ways in which people start to realise that they might be bisexual and each person will do so in their own time. Some people start to realise at a really young age, while others do not begin understanding more about their sexuality until much later in their lives. 

Lots of people who start to realise that they are bisexual may first think that they are gay or lesbian. This is because they will start to notice signs of being attracted to people of the same sex. If you are bisexual, you may start to notice some signs that help you realise this. These include:

  • Paying significant attention to people of both genders.
  • Feeling attracted to, or sexually aroused by, people of both genders.
  • Fantasising about being in relationships or having sexual relations with others of both genders.

Understanding my sexuality


It is completely normal during teenage years, and even later on in life, to experiment with your sexuality. We all have natural feelings to try and understand our sexuality, and this can involve experimenting with both same-sex and opposite-sex relationships. If you are feeling these urges, don’t be scared of them as they will help you to understand your own sexuality.

Finding out

Different people will realise how they feel about other people in many different ways and at different times in their lives. Some people start to understand their sexuality based on feelings of attraction towards particular people, and other people may find out through sexual experiences that they have. Everyone is individual and there is no ‘right way’ to find out.

Feeling comfortable

Feeling comfortable about your sexuality is a really important step that needs to be achieved. Quite often, when people start to realise that they are not heterosexual, they may feel uncomfortable and that they are not ‘normal’. This is not the case, and everyone in this situation should try to understand their feelings in order to feel more comfortable.

Sharing how you feel

Once you feel comfortable, you can share how you feel. This is known as coming out. Sharing how you feel opens up opportunities for you to have relationships that will help you to further understand your own sexuality. There is nothing wrong with coming out, entering into a relationship, then realising it’s not for you. These experiences help us to understand our sexuality better.

Coming out...

Coming out can feel like a daunting task. It is true what people say: coming out is not a one-time task, and you are likely to find yourself coming out many times throughout your life.

Here are some top tips to help you out:

  • Take your time – Do not rush to come out. Wait until you feel comfortable and able to do it. It is a good idea to wait and come out when you really want to.
  • Confide in someone you trust first – Coming out does not mean that you have to tell everybody straight away. Find somebody that you trust – whether it is a family member or a friend – and tell them how you are feeling
  • Be prepared – There might be some people that don’t like the news or need some time to come to terms with it. Don’t worry about this. Some people may need a little time, and you may need to prepare yourself for this.

If your friend chooses to confide in you, support them as best you can and offer to come with them to their GP and help them report the assault to police if they choose to.

It is always important to try and talk to your friend first if you can; reporting anything without telling them first may put them at even greater risk.

Reporting abuse is, of course, the right thing to do, but you need to make sure that it is completely safe, and you might find that your friend already has a plan to get themselves out of the situation that they are in.

In either case, make sure you are there for them and that they know they can talk to you if they need to. 

I think I might need some help... what do I do?

If you need help with any aspect of your sexuality, from trying to understand your sexuality, to coming out and beyond, you may want to talk to someone to get some extra support.

Get support!
If you are struggling with understanding your sexuality, or any other aspect, reach out to somebody!
Speak to us

You don’t need to suffer in silence. If you are struggling with understanding your sexuality and just want somebody to talk to, reach out to our friendly mentors who can help you out. We can also help if you are struggling with coming out, or experiencing bullying.

Speak to somebody you trust

Depending on how you are feeling, it is really important that you talk to somebody you can trust. This can be hard if you haven’t come out yet, but really important to find someone you can trust if you need it.

Use online forums

As long as you are being safe online, there are plenty of communities online with other LGBTQ+ people who are trying to understand their sexuality and support each other. If you are really struggling, read or reach out to these forums to find out about the experiences of others in similar situations.

What if I get bullied?

The world has become much more accepting of the LGBTQ+ community, but there is still quite a way to go before all of these negative thoughts have complete gone away.

The fear of being bullied should not stop you coming out – you should always feel like you can be yourself and not have to hide part of who you are.

It can be hard to come out when you are scared, so it’s important to know what to do. If you are being bullied because of your sexuality:

  • Make sure that you talk to somebody that you trust, like a school teacher, your parents or a friend to let them know what is going on.
  • Join a community of other individuals who might be being bullied because of their sexuality so that you can support each other.
  • Avoid any people who are bullying you as best as you can.
  • Always be yourself, regardless of any bullies and how hard it may seem.
Make sure you are there for them
Your friend has confided in you by coming out, and this takes a lot of effort and trust. It is really important that you are there to support them if they need it, regardless of how you feel.
Don't make too much of a fuss about it

Now that your friend has come out, they are probably feeling a huge weight has been lifted off their shoulders. It’s great to acknowledge that they have told you but try not to make too much of a fuss.

Always respect their privacy when they come out

If your friend has come out to you, you should assume that they have only come out to you. Respect their privacy and don’t share this with anyone else. Sharing this could knock your friend’s confidence in coming out further.

Help build their confidence if they need it

It takes a lot of confidence to come out to one person and it takes a lot more to come out to everyone else. If you are the first person that your friend has told, help boost their confidence to help them come out to others.

My friend just told me they are bisexual

If your friend has just come out to you, it is really important that you carry on being there for them. Here are some things to consider.